
Blog dedicated primarily to randomly selected news items; comments reflecting personal perceptions

Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Child Abuse, Neglect, Death Sentence

Child of 1-1/2 diagnosed with cancer: which more unfortunate, diagnosis or idiot-father...?

"I'm going to get as many signatures from people as I can. This ain't right."
"It's just overwhelming, the support I've been shown. I've been getting support from all over the globe. I've had people from Florida calling, saying, 'Keep hanging in there'."
"Someone just gave my kid life [sending a supply of hemp oil]. Now I just need to get them to let me give it to my kid."
"I've been surprised. I figured a lot of people were going to be calling me up, telling me that I'm an idiot. I've been waiting, because I've got enough facts in my notepads to sink a battleship about this stuff [hemp oil cure for cancer]."
Marco Pederson, Ottawa
Photograph provided / Courtesy Marco Pedersen

The 23-year-old man whose infant son was diagnosed with leukemia little more than a short week ago, has emphatically refused treatment for his child in a medical attempt to save the little boy's life through a chemotherapy protocol. Marco Pedersen and his wife 20-year-old Erica O'Laney refused that treatment which led the Children's Hospital of Eastern Ontario to contact the Children's Aid Society, as it is required to do by law, under such circumstances.

Taken under the wing of the Children's Aid Society, after they conducted an obligatory investigation into the matter, little Aiden was removed from his parents' authority for medical treatment to be initiated as recommended by specialists at the Children's Hospital of Eastern Ontario. Aiden's mother had a change of heart, and to be near her son while he was undergoing therapy, stated she agreed with the therapy; the child's father has now been removed from custody.

Now, this misguided, delusional father of a child requiring immediate emergency treatment for his condition, states with full confidence that he has the key to his child's health leading to a fully recovery; the administration of hemp oil. And, to hear him out, one's credulity is strained by the public support this man claims has come his way by the public, agreeing with his stance.

That being the case, he decided he would begin a petition and collect signatures from people supporting his view that the child would be saved, returned to his father's care and the administration of hemp oil. According to this man an anonymous donor shipped him 60 grams of hemp oil, with an estimated value, he said, of $2,000, and that hemp oil represents the full treatment his son requires to return him fully to health.

When Aiden's father, the hemp oil fanatic, arrived on Parliament Hill on Sunday to accost people, offering them the opportunity to sign on to his hemp-oil-saving mission for his son, police informed him he must leave, that he was not permitted to solicit on the premises. "They told me I can come back as long as long I don't walk up to people. If they walk up to me first, that's completely fine."

He plans to return with signage to alert people to the assault on his rights as a parent concerned for the welfare of his child. Confident that most people would have no difficulty seeing his point of view and recognizing the potential of hemp oil in rescuing the child from his present life-threatening medical condition.

Perhaps it is indeed true that this dolt might find support from among individuals within the general public. Which speaks volumes of the intelligence quotient generally among the general public, in reflection of his own. One can only wince with disbelief that such ignoble idiots conceive children and through the mendacity of their ignorance threaten the very lives of their vulnerable offspring.

Dr. Robert Klaassen CHEO doctor pediatric hemotologist oncologist Sept 15 2014
Dr. Robert Klaassen, a pediatric hematologist/oncologist at the Children's Hospital of Eastern Ontario, says cannabinoids are useful in supportive care, but not as an alternative to traditional cancer treatments. (CBC)

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