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Wednesday, July 09, 2008

Mysterious Existence

We exist, therefore we are. We are, therefore we exist. Who made us? Why are we here? Interesting questions, perhaps, but not necessarily to be comprehended by mere human minds. And do we really require that ultimate knowledge to make the most of our opportunities throughout our lives? Can't we just feel ourselves obligated by the circumstance of living to just do it? And believe ourselves to be extraordinarily privileged in the process.

Still, it's a puzzler, one that tickles many minds. And then there are the ideological divides, the polarization of science versus religion. The awe of existence leading inevitably to the belief that there is life through the design of a higher order manifesting it into existence. For what purpose is again beyond understanding. On the other hand, there is science and logic and reproducible experimentation which leads to some very cogent and impressive realizations.

So which will it be? God or nature? Or, perhaps, is nature God? Is nature within God? Has nature given birth to God? In a sense, yes, if God as a man-made construct is a result of nature's having benevolently endowed humankind over a long process of evolution with the initial spark of life, leading to where we are today.

And where's that, exactly? Why, where nature has designed us to be, the diligent caretakers in her magnificent gardens. She must most surely be feeling more than a little exasperated with her creation; it's run amok, creating havoc not only within its own multifaceted communities, but within the general framework of her colossal earthworks as well.

Those obstreperous, curious children of the earth she permitted to evolve have taken their curiosity to a fault. Upsetting her order beyond belief. From the deepest oceans having been inundated with unspeakable waste products, to humankind's predations on other species, rendering them extinct in the process. And oh yes, the atmosphere; even there mankind has been leaving his contraptions to loop endlessly in the void.

The scientist asks of the believer, those of faith, how can one believe the precepts and the concepts detailed by human invention, to be representative of a holy spirit whose presence somewhere in the void above resulted in our creation? Surely the proof of God's existence cannot be those puerile and so-often written statements inscribed by humans for posterity?

There was a purpose, a defined and clever one, perhaps envisioned by a coterie of highly intelligent beings, seeing in the vision and the belief in the existence of a powerful overseer a compelling structure to instruct the greater herd of humankind into an ordered and orderly existence. Commandments, instructions for a meritorious existence had clout, from on high.

Nature endowed many of her creatures with the agile ability to create, to visualize, to envision a structure by which a malleable but argumentative collective could be encouraged to act in their own best interests. Overlaying the primitive instinct for self-preservation with an additional instinct to be fair, useful and helpful to others since in the final analysis group action is more powerful than singular displays of self-interest.

Intelligent for nature to have designed us so; to be adaptable, creative, reasonably insightful, intrinsically fair-minded, to offset our baser instincts of ego, acquisitiveness and jealousy. But then nature has had so much practise, and each time she devised a new inhabitant of her playground Earth, she re-defined and managed exquisite corrections to finally create us.

Mischievously endowing some among us with the potential to free imagination that would result in the most reliable form of social, political administration of the public weal. So we've been left divided in opinion; between those of faith and those of reason. Faith replacing logic; faith where no explanations are required. For Intelligent Design is taken on faith unlike science. One rational, the other emotional.

Where is God, anyway? Everywhere? Does God, the notion of the supranatural denote the presence of a divine spark in everything that exists? Is that divine spark the gift of life, of thought, the very essence of life, the soul? Is our individuality that divine spark? Are we God? If so, are we one with nature?

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