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Sunday, July 29, 2007

Beware The Full Moon

Earth's companion in revolution has its own secret agenda. Yes, it conspires with the Earth to revolve around our celebrated and appreciated and still yet little-understood source of heat and life, our very own sun, but it exacts its own pull on our twin rotational contract, a mysterious, compelling demand that impacts on us in ways we cannot completely comprehend.

As the moon rises and swells, then slowly diminishes visually, many believe its influence can be detected in the way plants grow on this earth. The gravitational pull of the moon somehow instructs the oceans to behave in a manner not yet sufficiently understood, yet seen in the action of the moon-activated tides.

Is it some accident of apprehension and language that we describe unfortunate individuals who have taken leave of their senses, as being lunatic? And all those frightening folk legends about stalking werewolves, the living dead, monsters of the night, Dracula-like creatures dripping blood and deadly malice? They who people the dark, wanly-illuminated night.

What compulsion does the waning and waxing moon exact on the Earth, on all living things that inhabit this globe?

There are those, among them social-behavioral analysts at the Sussex Police in southern England who believe they've discovered a connection between the full moon and a rise in societally-adverse incidents, in their investigation of the possibility of external factors influencing peoples' behaviour.

Aggressive, anti-social behaviour was seen to increase among people out drinking in pubs and nightclubs on England's south coast. "I compared a graph of full moons and a graph of last year's violent crimes and there is a trend", according to Inspector Andy Parr. While agreeing that the theory appears somewhat fanciful, he offered the view that "There are many things we are still learning about. The moon has a strong influence on tides and magnetic forces can influence peoples' psyche."

In a recent paper, "The Lunar Cycle: Effects on Human and Animal Behaviour and Physiology", Michal Zimecki of the Polish Academy of Science analyzed studies in lunar activity. His is yet another voice claiming affirmation that the presence of a full moon can influence criminal activity and health, culminating in a notable crime increase, and increased hospital visits.

Full moon coming up. Take care.


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